The web home of professional digital marketer, content creator, and communications expert Matt Sammon

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You've come to the web home of Matt Sammon: professional digital marketer, content creator, and communications expert since 1995.
Here you will see my past accomplishments, and learn how I will make an impact in the future as an individual, leader, and team player. After looking at any page, simply click on the logo at the top of the website to return to this home page.
I've been blessed to have experienced so much in my career as a creator and innovator in broadcasting and digital audio streaming, while currently leading digital marketing efforts in both public education and with partners in private consulting.
The 30 years of professional experience I have not only helps me continue to grow and evolve in an ever-changing business world, it also helps other people and businesses I team up with to analyze where they are with their projects, and what it will take to achieve their goals.
Virtually anyone can look at numbers and take a guess at what they mean or what needs to be done next, but I bring context to the conversation of industry trends and analysis. I connect the dots from where we were, to where we are now, to how we're going to get to the finish line on time and on budget.
I do all of this with a team-first leadership style, bringing out the best in everyone as we accomplish our team goals while also lifting each teammate individually to experience personal growth and achieve greatness together.