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The Future Begins Now


Sure, technically the future has yet to happen, but most anyone who has made an impact on the future knows the seeds have to be planted now.

Like many people, I sat back and took a big-picture view of my career and my life during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. I had a wealth of broadcasting and communications experience up to that point, but I felt I needed to return to school to learn more about an industry that often overlapped or fully integrated itself into broadcasting: marketing. 

Specifically, I wanted to dive more into digital marketing and social media marketing, as I crossed paths with those fields on a daily basis during my time as the Director of Broadcasting & Programming with the Lightning. I made the choice to study for a Master's degree in marketing, and I completed my studies with a 4.0 GPA in May 2022 from the University of Alabama.

Why do I feel that my expertise in broadcasting and digital marketing is more valuable than other candidates who also share the same education? I can provide the context of why data says what it says. Here I can merge my 30 years of content creation experience with my recent education in the digital marketing space, providing a big-picture view of a situation.

How did we get here? Where are we now? How do we achieve our goals?

I've done this in my personal career and life, and now I can do it for other professionals and their projects. In addition to decades of real-world experience, I am officially certified in Advanced Google Analytics as well as Google Ads Search and Drive Ad Revenue with Google Ad Manager.

Outside of the Google family of certifications, I am also certified in Hubspot Inbound and Hubspot Inbound Marketing, as well as Facebook Blueprint, Twitter Flight School, YouTube Content Academy, and Hootsuite's platform.

So don't put all of your important decisions in the hands of someone who was in pre-K when the iPhone entered the market. Bring in experience, analysis, and context to your business plans with yours truly!

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